
iVet 360 Social Library

Made from scratch as a solo build while I was at iVet 360. I used Underscores as my starting point and I was able to make this site bloat-free because of that. This site is a library of marketing materials sorted using a custom taxonomy of each month and a separate taxonomy for each day.

There is a custom calendar both on a page and a widget in the footer that links to an archive that will show posts by month and day leveraging built in wordpress url variables. For example if you are on the August archive with a calendar_day query set to 1 you get everything for August 1st. The topic picker on the home page works similarly by letting you picking the topic and month (both are optional) and it will populate the link with the right archive page and url variable.

The best part of this site is that it practically updates itself. When you go to the homepage it first gets the current date and shows you the featured content for the month and the correct calendar page all based on what posts are in that month taxonomy.

The calendar was fun to create. It's the most creative way I've had to list custom taxonomies so far.

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